As one of the first Chemical Innovation Companies offering fully tested and proven green technologies, we have fully eliminated both quaternary ammonium compounds with ethoxylation, i.e. 1-4 dioxane from our new line of solutions targeting the textile, non-woven and pulp industries. We are committed to continuing this development for all focus industries with our specialty chemical applications that directly impact people and the environment. Our new Fibre-Pure™ solutions are derived 100% from earth’s natural resources representing our first line of 100% green chemistry.

What does Green + Sustainability mean to us?

Green + Sustainability

removing the toxic chemicals such as Quat, Ethylene oxide and 1-4 Dioxane from our chemical treatments while using earth’s natural resources to develop, process and enable replacement back into the earth for a clean and circular environment. These carcinogens and man-made chemicals are listed on the FDA list (list link) and we are committed to continuing to eliminate all known toxic and suspected components from our chemistry applications and develop pure chemicals from the earth that are both sustainable and consumer-safe.

Green Chemistry – What is it exactly?

Cellulose is an organic compound consisting of a linear chain of several hundred to many thousands of linked D-glucose units. It is an important structural component of the primary cell wall of green plants, many forms of algae and the oomycetes. Our specialty & performance chemical applications are created from plants, florals and forms from the earth to either replace toxic components for our clients’ existing processes and/or develop pure green chemicals supporting our client’s sustainability and green initiatives to supply consumer products that are safe and clean for our environment.

Many consumer product companies speak to having “green products” and attaining sustainability initiatives but without the full replacement of harmful chemicals in the product lifecycle from design to treatments and finishing of products, it is questionable on the degree of authenticity in this claim. Our goal is to supply cost-effective green chemicals to achieve authenticity.

Our Steps to Green + Sustainability

Create a Circular Manufacturing Process

Create a circular manufacturing process using earth’s natural resources such as plants, flowers, soil and minerals to develop our chemical solutions for our clients and provide a safe return of these ingredients back into the earth for sustainability.

Invest in Consumer Transparency

Invest in Consumer Transparency through education and alignment with government regulatory agencies worldwide, we are committed to keeping abreast of ongoing research and looking ahead at predictive chemistry to support the future of consumer products on behalf of our mills, manufacturers, brands and retailers. We are dedicated to educating the public with knowledge to help drive companies to deliver transparency into product composition for more green, sustainable products and promising a bright future for many generations to come.

Develop Green Chemicals

Develop chemical solutions with our leading PHD’s and Chemists working collaboratively with our clients to remove carcinogenic components that are listed on the FDA today or identified for listing in the future. These chemicals developed from earth’s resources are clean, pure and non-toxic in makeup.

Green Consumer Products

Green consumer products to deliver innovative toxic-free chemical solutions from the earth’s natural resources to meet our clients’ Sustainability and Green Initiatives delivering cleaner and safer products to your end consumers while protecting the environment through manufacturing processes and waste management.

Animal Free/Non-Tallow chemistry

Animal Free/Non-Tallow chemistry is applied to our Cellulose Solutions’ debonders in all solutions sold into the Pulp & Paper industries today. We are ahead of the curve in developing ingredients to replace harmful toxins and will continue to develop replacement ingredients for our products as we develop a pure line of green formulas under the Verdant Innovations brand. (Commercial Softeners/Debonders FDA fully listed components FDA 176,170,180-199)

Steps to Green + Sustainability by Industry

Green for Textiles & Non-Wovens

The highest consumer awareness and demands are coming from these industries for meeting sustainability initiatives. GenZ, Millennials and all generations are placing more importance having transparency into how products are developed and what companies are doing to protect the future to gain their loyalty and business. Verdant Innovations, a Cellulose Solutions company has created a full line of green chemistry that would allow manufacturers, retailers and brands to provide this visibility and authenticity to their consumers.

Green for Hemp

From Farmers to Finished Products: as the fastest growth segment in textiles and non-woven industries, HEMP continues to grow in multiple categories across industries serving healthcare, home furnishings, apparel and more. We have developed the first degumming process and chemical application that is 100% green to support this growth in HEMP working directly with the farmers to develop a methodology that allows farmers to create substantially more product with our process.

Green for Pulp & Paper

We have replaced many toxic chemical components in our solutions with animal-free, tallow-free and quat-free chemicals developing new formulations from natural resources to minimize the toxicity used in chemical applications throughout the pulp & paper industries. Our R&D is focused on development from plants, soil, natural oils and energy in each of our chemical applications for packaging, food applications, personal hygiene and more. The leading companies in this space have replaced toxic formulas with our clean innovation and gained high-performance and profitability in the process.


Consumer products packaging specifically for food has become a top priority globally in chemical use and eliminating toxic carcinogenic components is essential for this industry. Our chemical formulations are all quat-free and adhere to the FDA list of carcinogenic chemical components. We also adhere to the EU listings and have removed all potential toxic chemical components from our formulations.

Personal Hygiene

Many products in the cosmetics and personal hygiene industries have been removed from shelves due to high levels of carcinogenic properties in the past year. As consumers become more educated about the structure of the products that they use, it will put pressure on brands and consumer goods manufacturers to adhere to more green product development. 


Those companies developing pulp-based products from packaging, paper, personal hygiene including items such as tissues, baby wipes, diapers and more are at the beginning of the supply chain to product safety and sustainability. Our heritage started in Pulp innovation with chemical applications, and we have remained a leader in developing safer and cleaner chemical innovation for pulp applications with animal-free, tallow-free and quat-free chemical formulations. 

Environmental & Safety Cellulose Solutions and Verdant Innovations hold several certifications and continue to stay on top of all changes and suspected toxics globally

Our record for safety and meeting requirements of global certifications Is one we are proud of.

  • No EPA Listing
  • No issues or incidents with WWTS, Toxicity, BOD, Color
  • No Pesticides or Genetically Modified Organisms
  • Adhere 100% to CA Prop 54
  • No Carcinogenic components
  • Production Plants ISO Certified and Audited
  • OSHA Compliant
  • Kimberly Clark’s International Safety Audit
  • Georgia Pacific’s Supplier Assurance Audit

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